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Dear Intercessor, Welcome to your WELL.

Your safe haven. Your safe place. The place of understanding.

This is the place where you are free to gain understanding and the place where you can be understood.

This is a place of revelation, strength, insight, and sanctuary for the praying person. Whatever you want to call this place, this is THAT. When Dear Intercessor first came to me, God showed me that the revelation I received was in the capacity of one that was HIS Intercessor. In the time since, I've realized that the intercessor is one of the most highly sought after individuals in the body, while also being one of the most neglected, depleted and discouraged. Intercessors are called to pray, but less times, are they called to be prayed for. It is because of this, that it is now the intercessor that is in need of care from the one that is their heavenly Father, commander, and friend. 

AKA, the one that understands. 

As Intercessors, we know that we see, hear and feel differently and more intensely than others. Though it's not a 5 fold gifting or office, EVERY gifting from God is first rooted and submitted in the place of prayer and intercession. For example, how does a Prophet establish a relationship with the Lord enough to know when to not only speak what the Lord is saying, but also in what heart posture and tone? Prayer. How does the Apostle always govern the Lord's people and know of what kind of systems to build in what era of time? Prayer. How does the Pastor understand when to lead sheep by the rod versus when they are needing the staff? Prayer. How can the Evangelist know how to gather the lost sheep and how to speak to their heart in a healing way? Prayer. How does the Teacher know in what way to convey the mysteries of the word of God and his character to those that are stuck in misunderstanding? Prayer. See, the act of intercession is the bridge that goes beyond the mere pulpit of a church and helps to bring understanding to the lost, broken, and discouraged believer and non. A place where we ALL can get cultivated in the foundation of everything we are and hope to be!

So, even as the intercessors have remained on the wall and even picked up double duty for the Lord, he is now calling for a special pour to be prepared for those that have stepped into the scripture of 1 Thessalonians for not only themselves, but others.

Ephesians 6:18 reminds us to pray all types of prayers for all types of people on all types of occasions. It is the principle of our faith in God. It is the place of safety and answers for many disruptions that occur in life. It is our lifeline to the Father! 

As I close this first of many writings, know that the concept of Dear Intercessor is to truly stand as a place that is dedicated to the pour of those that have accepted the charge of intercessor, prayer warrior, and/or even watchmen on the wall. It’s designed for those that have fallen off the wall, or stepped down due to life, insecurities, damaged faith, and even lack of consistency in their own personal prayer lives. These prophecies, words of encouragement, seeds of pure prayer, and reminders from your Chief Intercessor (Jesus, Romans 8:34) stand as personalized letters from the Lord himself to his praying people. This place, is for you. So, Dear Intercessor, I want to officially welcome you to YOUR well. Drink, partake, and receive! The well is waiting for you, so read and feel refreshed!

~ Signed, another Intercessor. 

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